What’s Up in the Attic August 5, 2022
Our organization is officially known as Floyd County Angels Ministry, Inc, a non-profit charitable organization, and is composed of four stores: Angels in the Attic, Angels Boutique, Angels Furniture Store, and Angels Christmas Store. Also there is the Angels Donation Center where all donations first land and are processed.
Angels donates funds each month to support various charitable programs across Floyd County that feed the hungry, aid the needy, help children and the elderly, and provide for public safety.
The two financial documents below include the Donut Chart which is the easiest way to identify the amounts of funds sent to a variety of charitable organizations. The Angels Board of Directors make those determinations after deliberation.
The second document is the income and expense statement, a bunch of numbers, but it adds more light as to the operating costs of running the Angels enterprise. After all, we have to pay for utilities, insurance, building maintenance, telephones, lawn mowing, and more. However, if one does a focus on two numbers, the total of supported programs compared to the total of all proceeds from sales, an amazing 82.6% of income went to supported programs.
There is a comparison set of numbers displayed for the first half of the prior year. The income was way lower, and you can remember the difficulties of staying open during the pandemic and the accompanying reduction of shopping.
feed the hungry, aid the needy, help children and the elderly, and provide for public safety.
The two financial documents below include the Donut Chart which is the easiest way to identify the amounts of funds sent to a variety of charitable organizations. The Angels Board of Directors make those determinations after deliberation.
The second document is the income and expense statement, a bunch of numbers, but it adds more light as to the other costs of running the Angels enterprise. After all, we have to pay for utilities, insurance, building maintenance, telephones, lawn mowing, and more. However, if one does a focus on two numbers, the total of supported programs compared to the total of all proceeds from sales, an amazing 82.6% of income went to supported programs.
There is a comparison set of numbers for the first half of the prior year. The income was way lower, and you can remember the difficulties of staying open during the pandemic and the accompanying reduction of shopping.